How to Write a Strong Thesis Statement for Your Dissertation

How to Write a Strong Thesis Statement for Your Dissertation 

A single argument reflecting the researcher's position is central to any scientific work. And you can already guess what that means since you were attracted to the title of this article. You've come to the right place because here, you will learn how to write a strong thesis statement defining your paper's central argument and telling your readers how to interpret the topic under discussion.

The Main Concept

Before answering the question "How to write a strong thesis statement for your dissertation," you must understand the main definitions. So, what is a thesis statement? It is a single sentence or assertion that reflects the main argument of the author's research. A thesis statement summarizes the main idea that the researcher wants to convey in their paper.

And first, it may seem too straightforward to write a few lines about your work. So why have we devoted an entire article to this issue? But it's not. The fact is that this question is more complex than it may seem at first glance. The correct thesis statement will help you achieve two main goals at once.

It gives readers a clear picture of the essence of your work, i.e., what the research says about the specific issue;

It asserts the author's unique position on the pros and cons of the argument at hand.

Typically, the thesis statement is at the end of the introductory paragraph of the thesis. So the next time you read any research paper, pay attention to the one sentence that ties together the main idea of the entire piece's argument.

Thesis Statement Types

Now that you've learned what a thesis statement is, it's time to look at its main types common in academic research. You can get more information on this subject due to the Trust My Paper writing service, but we move on to cope with thesis statement types in the convenient form of the table.

Analytical Thesis Statement

An analytical thesis statement is a logical statement of an author's position in a systematic study. In this case, you must divide the main idea into several parts, carefully evaluate each piece, and present the analysis order to your readers. In other words, outline in your thesis the specific aspect you are focusing on and indicate what insight it gives readers about the meaning or purpose of the entire paper.

Procedure for writing an analytical thesis statement:

  • Divide the basic idea into crucial components;
  • Identify the logical relationship between these components;
  • Discover motives, reasons, and basic assumptions.;
  • Prepare the necessary inferences and evidence to support these statements.


An analysis of the college admissions process reveals one problem counselors face: accepting students with high test scores or solid extracurricular backgrounds.

Expository Thesis Statement

So, what is the primary purpose of this type of thesis statement? First, you can choose an expository thesis statement to introduce readers to your research. Thus, it sets expectations for your work by indicating your research topic and the key areas you will bring forward for discussion.

However, remember that this type of thesis statement does not necessarily express a strong opinion of the essay author. More so, the expository thesis statement should convey the topic of your paper and hint at supporting arguments that you will still address. After reading the thesis statement, readers should understand what they will learn from your work.


Although First World War had various causes, militarism, nationalism, alliances, imperialism, and murder led to its beginning.

Argumentative Thesis Statement

The argumentative thesis statement is more common in academic papers than the other two types of theses, which may be due to its simplicity. Its primary purpose is to make a statement the reader may agree with. However, remember that while writing your paper, you must provide specific facts, figures, and data to convince your audience to agree with your position. 


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What are the Elements of a Strong Thesis Statement

If you've already written a thesis statement, this point will help you know how well you did that and what should be improved for the best result. The first thing is matching your thesis statement with the elements described below. So, a strong thesis statement includes such points:

Interpretation: In a strong thesis statement, the author doesn't just retell the facts but explains them by showing their significance.

Accuracy: The researcher must emphasize specific points and logically connect them. If you state that two ideas are similar or different in your thesis statement but don't explain, readers will hardly ever understand your arguments.

Element of surprise: This rule applies not only in books and films but also in scientific papers, so try to find information that will catch the readers' attention and convince them to agree with your position.

Evidence: A thesis statement must contain an opinion or point of view that the author can back up with evidence.

Demonstrability: Any claims the author of a scientific paper makes in their statement should be supported by reasons and examples to support their opinion.

4 Steps for Writing a Thesis Statement

Before compiling a thesis statement, the author should analyze their research materials again. Then, highlighting the primary ideas and provisions of their work, you get the thesis statement, which will help the reader understand the essay's essence, answer the author's question, and learn the content of the prepared materials. But first things first.

# 1 Step: Put the Question

Before starting to write a research paper, the author should consider the initial or working thesis. Then, once the researcher has chosen a dissertation topic, they should think carefully about what they want to say about the issue, as a clear thesis statement will give the entire paper direction and structure. And if your assignment already has a question, you only need to reveal it. If not, it will be easy for a true researcher to develop it independently.

For example, the question might be: Has the Internet positively or negatively impacted the educational process?

Also read:- Buy thesis online by qualified tutor

# 2 Step: Compose Your Initial Answer

Once the author has done the initial research, they can compose a tentative answer. This step may seem simple, but its result should guide your research and dissertation writing process.

Your answer might look like this: The Internet has had a positive rather than a negative impact on the educational process.

# 3 Step: Develop your Answer

The next step is to figure out why this is the answer you want to offer your readers and why they should agree with you. Then, as you dive deeper into your topic and begin to write your research paper, your answer should become more and more detailed.

For example, a thesis on the Internet and education states the author's position and demonstrates the main arguments they will use to support it.

# 4 Step: Refine the Thesis Statement

Consider that a strong thesis statement should tell readers:

  •  Why does the author hold to their position in the paper?
  • What will the reader learn from this thesis statement?
  •  What are the critical points of the argument or narrative?

The above points are essential because they will allow you to write a definitive thesis statement showing your position on an issue and a summary of your overall argument or even the entire topic of your research paper. You can also consider the broader context of your chosen subject to strengthen a weak thesis statement.


The statement thesis is an indispensable part of any scientific paper because it represents the statement's concise but extensive meaning. Therefore, the essay should have a scientific style of writing. Using words and phrases from everyday vocabulary and those that can be interpreted ambiguously is not allowed. If you follow the recommendations in this article, you can write a strong thesis statement for your dissertation.

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