How does a person experience different emotions

Emotions. How does a person experience different emotions? Where does it come from within the body and how where they first discovered?

Emotion is a natural or intuitive feeling of mind deriving from relationships moods and circumstances with others.

We humans are equipped with a set of predictable responses to the situations. Besides 6 or 11 basic emotions there is an emotion for every possible human experience. Experiencing emotion is a neurobiological process. The emotions have been shaped based on the idea that they are universal. This reveals that for any given situation, like being beaten by someone, any person in the world would experience something like anger. This finding about emotions is widely accepted. All explanation of emotions is that they are the naturally-occurring response to a situation. This response is the outcome of our evaluation or may be an automatic one the behavior remains to be same. According to psychology the nature of emotions can be divided into two: Emotions are the judgment of any present situation or an outcome of changes taking place within our bodies. The researchers have also included certain other emotions also that are believed to be experienced by humans and some other primates. These moral emotions is based on self-awareness, self-consciousness and ability to empathize with others [source: Heery, et al]. The moral emotions are esteem, apology, excitement and shame [source: Simons].The moral emotions also accompany physiological changes. But they differ from basic emotions in that they tend to emerge after self-reflection, and they substantiate the belief that emotions are results of judgments, other than immediate reactions to a stimulus.

The study of emotions can be traced back to 19 th century. It was Charles Darwin who made the first step towards the study of human communication in 1872in his book "The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals." His work considered the facial expression in human and animals and attempted to find out the similarities between behaviors in humans and animals. According to evolutionary theory, different emotions have originated at different times.

We can consider ‘emotion' as processes in humans and other animals that involves assessment of values. According to the view of Schelling (1960), Frank (1988) emotions are important because they are involuntary and reflect our inner states. If the behavior is controlled by rational mechanisms, you might change your mind, and people can bargain with you. If your behavior isn't rational, you may do well. Evolution of emotions indicates that emotions may have benefits not only to the possessor but also to other people; though there are evolutionary mechanisms for both (see e.g. Trivers, 1985; Ridley, 1993; Pinker, 1997). In fact, the first venture to study about the evolution of emotions was made by Darwin (1872). He observed same emotional responses (such as facial expressions) accompanied particular manners, across human races and cultures. He compared human emotional behavior with similar behaviors in other species.

Evolutionary approaches to emotion have developed from advanced theoretical models of emotion. One of the approaches to emotion uses the methods of experimental economics to understand the game-theoretic aspects of emotions. A second theoretical approach proposes that emotions are cognitive programs that coordinate thoughts and behaviors in response to specific challenges. Theorists from Adam Smith (1759) to Robert Trivers (1971) and more have tried to substantiate that emotions are resultants for attractive immediate rewards. These appear to be irrational in the short term because they lead us to forgo assured gains, but eventually, they help us to acquire still greater long-term benefits.

Emotion is believed to be created from any source, and the area related to it is the limbic system of the brain which has many points located in the cerebral cortex. These points in the cerebral cortex register the level of chemicals called neurotransmitters being synthesized by the body about some condition person is experiencing. For example, an increased level of serotonin is released when a person in love, eating sweet than normal. The brain receives the elevated level of serotonin in blood and outcome feeling is one that we link with happiness. On the other hand we associate emotions with different parts of the body, like love from the heart, fear in spine and anger from the spleen. Emotions are diverse and have both physical and mental components. The researchers agree that emotions have the following divisions: subjective feelings, physiological (body) responses, and expressive behavior.

The dimensions of emotions that scientists call subjective feelings represent to the way each person's feeling and this component is difficult to describe or measure. Such feelings are not observable. The person experiencing the emotion must describe it to others. Each person's description and interpretation of an experience may be slightly different. For example, The couples in love will not explain their feeling in exactly the same ways.
Physiological responses are the simplest part of emotion because scientists have devised special methods to measure them. Sweating, blushing, or the release of adrenaline * in response to a situation that makes intense emotion can all be measured with scientific accuracy. People have very related internal responses to the same emotion. For example, when people are under pressure, their bodies produce adrenaline. This hormone helps prepare the body to either run away or fight, which is called the "fight or flight" reaction. Although the psychological part of emotions may be differing for each feeling, several different emotions can produce the similar reaction.

Expressive behavior is the sign that the emotion is being experienced. It includes fainting, a flushed face, muscle tensing, facial expressions, breathing, restlessness, or other body language. The outward expression of an emotion gives other people clues to what someone is experiencing and helps to regulate social interactions. Adrenaline or epinephrine is a hormone, or chemical messenger, that is released In response to fear, anger, panic, and other emotions. It makes the body respond to threat by increasing heart rate, breathing rate, and blood flow to the arms and legs. These and other effects prepare the body to run away or fight. Many theories have been put forward regarding emotions, and it is still an ongoing field of neurobiological research.

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