Benefit of Sending Video Resume to Employers

Benefit of Sending Video Resume to Employers

A video resume is a short descriptive, digitalized video of the candidate about his qualifications and skills. The employers get to literally see the candidate and hear what they want to say. Video resumes are beyond the traditional paper that job seekers usually attach with their applications. It can be emailed with the applications as an attachment. Video resumes expose the candidate's identity. It's the next 'in-thing'. Experts say that video resumes enhance the applicant's job application. While many employers and job seekers may not be initially comfortable with it, they will eventually embrace it. Over the years, employers have opened up to interviewing candidates' through video conferencing. This is when the candidate is not able to make it to the employer's office or they are out of the country. It proved to be very useful. With the advent and rise of mobile technology, making videos and editing it has become very easy. Even children know how to do it!

Creating Video Resumes

You can use smartphones and digital cameras to create great video resumes. If you have a friend capturing the video, tell them to keep still. Shaky videos send a wrong impression. But with the use of certain software and video editor tools, you can easily get rid of the shakiness! And edit easily, That is technology for you! You can use video resumes to apply for jobs and set it as a career portfolio. To make a good and lasting impression, you have to be presentable. When preparing video resume, make sure that your hair is brushed or combed neatly; and you are well dressed, maybe in professional attire, such as a shirt with a tie. Here are some tips you can follow:

-    Appearance: remove piercings; don't showcase your eyebrow or under-lip piercings. You have to look professional and serious. In video resumes, the employers look at your appearance and presentation. They see how you carry yourself.

-    Keep it short and simple: remember a video resume is similar to a paper resume except that you are visual in it. Employers skim through resumes because they have piles of resumes to go through, and they don't have much time. The same is with video resume; just keep it short and simple.

-    Standout: be unique. You get to express yourself as an individual; be creative. Video resume gives you the chance to present or sell yourself to the organisation. Think about what you have that others don't; and what difference will you make. It's best to show some projects or work that you have done.

The advantage of a video resume is that you get to express yourself not through words written on paper but by yourself. You have to be passionate and professional at the same time. Moreover, video resumes give a virtual experience. 

Away with the Paper Resume?

It's still too early to say whether video resume will take up the job market by storm. Employers and human resources management are still reluctant about video resumes. They prefer the tradition paper resume. Apart from the virtual experience, the video resumes guarantee; the employers still have to go through hundreds of resumes. The only thing is that the format has changed. It is a creative expansion of the traditional resume. Job seekers get to personalise their resumes and reach out to the potential employers. Moreover, the employers get to see the potential employees and hear what they have to say for themselves.

Video resumes are not ideal for those who are conscious or scared to face the camera. It will wreck their chances of getting the job. Plus, it leaves a negative impression. Its best for them to go for traditional resumes. Other disadvantages of video resumes are that for older job seekers, it may make them look unhealthy and too healthy. People are no longer on the same playing field. Even though the older candidates have higher qualifications, expertise and skills, video resumes may shed them in a negative light. Apart from personal presentations, video resumes expose a lot more things than we think. The employers may lose interest by looking at the candidate's presentation or appearance. They may take the enthusiasm as face value only. Overall, many employers find video resumes unprofessional. They are insecure with it and not ready to take it up. They are more comfortable with traditional resumes. With the advancement in technology, employers should have an open mind. They should give a chance to everything, even video resumes.

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