Recombinant microorganisms in biotechnology Assignment Help

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Recombinant microorganisms in biotechnology

Recombinant microorganisms are bacteria which have undergone genetic engineering. That means their DNA has been altered by the introduction of new DNA. Like bacteria have been of immense value in biological research and for organizational and environmental uses. New DNA is often introduced in some sort of vehicle which is known as a vector. This can be a virus or a plasmid. The plasmid has a kind of selectable marker so in which the cells will keep producing it. Frequently this is antibiotic resistance. It is also probable to introduce a gene directly into the bacterium’s own DNA.It is expressed in a microorganism often when a new gene is cloned and often in bacteria. The lab rat of the bacterial world is Escherichia coli generally found in our intestines. Several strains of E. coli are available for cloning experiments.

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Biotechnology is an organizational procedure which uses the scientific research on DNA for practical advantages. Biotechnology is synonymous with genetic engineering because the genes of an organism are changed during the procedure and the DNA of the organism is recombined. The Recombinant DNA and biotechnology can be used to form proteins not normally produced in a cell. Additionally, bacteria which carry recombinant DNA can be released into the environment to increase the fertility of the soil serve as relieve pollution or insecticide.

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