Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Interfacing Hplc with Mass Spectrometry - Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization

Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization (APCI):

This interface uses nitrogen as a nebulizing gas and a heated nebulizer probe. The mobile droplets and the gas are heated to '120 oC in a desolvation chamber where a corona discharge generates electrons that ionize the mobile molecules to give reactant ions as shown in Figure. These ions then collide with analyte molecules to yield pseudomolecular ions by chemical ionization. The analyte ions are accelerated through skimmer-cones into the spectrometer whereas the uncharged solvent molecules are removed by differential pumping.

612_Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization.png

Schematic of atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation (APCI) source

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