Bioinorganic chemistry Assignment Help

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Bioinorganic Chemistry

Bioinorganic chemistry is a branch that observes the role of metals in biology. Bioinorganic chemistry involves the study of both natural phenomena like the behavior of metalloproteins with artificially introduced metals, involving those which are not necessary, in medicine and toxicology. Several biological processes like respiration rely upon molecules that fall under the realm of inorganic chemistry. The discipline also involves the study of inorganic models or mimics which imitate the behaviour of metalloproteins.

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As a mix of inorganic chemistry and biochemistry, bioinorganic chemistry is significant in elucidating the propositions of electron-transfer proteins, substrate activation and bindings, atom and group transfer chemistry with metal properties in biological chemistry.

Dioxygen Chemistry Dioxygen Transport
Elements in Biology Major Elements
Other Metals in Bioinorganic Toxic and Medicinal Elements
Trace Elements
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