The pin diagram of 8088-microprocessor, Assembly Language

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Pin diagram of 8088 :

The pin diagram of 8088 is shown in given figure. Most of the 8088 pins and their functions are exactly similar to the corresponding pins of 8086.  Hence the pins that have different functions ortimings are discussed in this section. Amongst them are  the pins that have a common fun.

827_pin diagram 8088.jpg

1) AD7-AD0 (Address/Data):  These lines constitute the address/data time multiplexed bus. During T1 the bus is used for conducting addresses and during T2, T3, Tw andT4 states these lines are utilized for conducting data. These are tristate during 'hold acknowledges'and 'interrupt acknowledge' cycles.

2) A15-A8 (Address Bus): These lines provide the address bits A8 to A15 in the total bus cycle. These have not be latched for obtaining a stable valid address.  These  are  active  high  and  are  tristated  during  the 'acknowledge' cycles. Notice, as the 8088 data bus is only of 8 bits, there is no requirement of the BHE signal.

3) SS0: A new pin SS0 is introduced in 8088 instead of BHE pin in 8086. In minimum mode, the pin 880 is logically equivalent to the S8 in maximum mode.

4) IO/M: This pin is similar to M/IO pin of 8086, but it givesan 8085 compatible memory/IO bus interface. The signals DT/R, IO/M, SSO might be decoded to interpret the activities of the microprocessor as in minimum and maximum mode.


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