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Value Delivery Process, Marketing Assignment Help
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Value Delivery Process:
When the firm or an organization makes something, manufacture something and then sells it then it is known as marketing kind of a thing. It tells about making the product and then selling it. The value delivery process consists of two things that are as follows:
1. Making the product
2. Selling the product
It consists of pricing, selling, product, promotion, price, distribution and also the services after sales which are given by the company and its people to the customers. It helps in better services as well as sales in terms of the respect to the customer.
The companies create values to customer and this becomes the first step then they deliver the same. They deliver the value by terms of product or service which is based on the total management system how they process each work, by the help of better product or service or by the help of customer means to say they achieve the growth and development by providing the best to its customer.
There are three things which come in the process of value delivery and that are choosing the value, providing the value and then communicating the value which includes activities like customer segmentation in choosing the value it is a concept for process the image. It represents the image which is meaningful and easy. It is related with targeting and positioning. If a sales person or a marketer needs to position its product or services he needs to first identify the target market, then position its product as per the marketing research and finally he do the last part of segmentation. It matches the correct position which suits the product.
In providing the value, it includes manufacturing, sourcing, distribution, pricing Market penetration will occur because it is a new business for me and my team. The price will define the product development market development and the diversification etc. Price also defines our next plan, our employee’s salary, infrastructure cost; the cost which will take place in marketing is quite difficult for top managers to decide because for a new product it’s quite difficult to define that it will succeed or not so the best steps get taken by following these steps. The public wants value for everything that it purchases. In the interior business price matter a lot because here customers pay for products and services for long term and in communication of the value it includes promotion and advertisement which is a very exciting thing for public residing there. They will get a new interest and if it makes them feel something new and different they will surely visit the company so the company promotion will be very much important for the business because promotion will help in creating a good business so firstly I will design my service and past activities list and give it to press for release it so that more number of people can be aware of the interior design company which will be really unique and attracting so that the customers can have their eyes on it. I’ll arrange a program of public relations so that not much investment will take place from my side. If I will get a successful public and media relations program I will have an increased exposure and prestigious value without spending a fortune. It should be exclusive and should be an extension of brand identity.
For example: Nike creates value to its customers in terms of all the above terms like pricing, promotion, comfort level, from the part of making to the part of selling it helps the customer in so many ways to warranty period and the comfort zone.
In terms of Honda city car, it is a brand of automobile sector and the length of this car is good enough because the space of Honda city is more as compare to Verna and other cars and the car of Honda city is preferred by most of the people as compare to Verna and other like swift or any other. The overall mileage in Honda city is also greater than Verna. People also prefer Honda city because it gives better mileage than Verna. The style and performance as well the quality all is most preferred by the users of Honda city. The company also provides with good sales service and the level of production as well the level of comfortability.
The production level of this car is also done on a better way as compare to other and from the point of sale it is bit different and good in terms of other segments and cars like Zen, Maruti and others. It is known by the most people and also it helps in knowing the personality which gives value to the customers and the people also who works with this company.
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