Determine the timeframe for achieving the mov

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Reference no: EM131757303


You are to prepare and submit Assessment 3 as an individual, based on the Case study scenario, and your peer to peer learning from Assessment 2 at least 8-10 appropriate references in APA style.

You are required to develop a charter for the Project including:

Include the Project description and overview you developed as part of Assessment 2.

Part One:

MOV - Measurable Organisational Value

(This is the goal of the project and is utilised to define the value that your team project will bring to your client)

- Identify the desired area of impact - Rank the following areas in terms of importance:

Strategy / Customer / Financial / Operational / Social
- With reference to your project, identify one or two of the following types of value:
o Better - is improving quality important to your client?
o Faster - does your client want to increase efficiency?
o Cheaper - is cutting costs important?
o Do more - does your client want to continue its growth?

- Develop an appropriate metric - this sets the target and expectation of all the stakeholders. It is important to determine a quantitative target that needs to be expressed as a metric in terms of an increase or decrease of money.

- Determine the timeframe for achieving the MOV - ask yourselves, when do we want to achieve this target metric?


(Note: the MOV should inform everyone what the project will achieve, not how it will be achieved. It should also focus on the organisation, not on the technology that will be used to build or support the information system).

Part Two:

Define Scope and produce a Scope Management Plan

Define the scope of the project and detail how the scope will be managed.

Provide a list of Resources
Identify and detail the resources for the project using MS Project where appropriate, including:
- People (and their roles), plus any extra personnel that is required for the project.
- Technology - any hardware, network and software needs to support the team and your client.

- Facilities - where will most of the teamwork be situated?
- Other - for example, travel, training etc.

Part Three:

Using MS Project, develop a schedule using a high level Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). It should include:

Milestones for each phase and deliverable
- This will tell everyone associated with the project that the phase or deliverable was completed satisfactorily.

Activities / Tasks
- Define a set of activities / tasks that must be completed to produce each deliverable.
Resource Assignments
- Assign people and resources to each individual activity.
Estimates for Each Activity / Task
- Develop a time estimate for each task or activity to be completed. Budget
- Create a time-phased budget using bottom-up estimating. Be sure to include direct costs listed in Part two and add 20% for fringe. State all assumptions and constraints you have used when creating your budget. State how confident you are in your estimates and what would make you more confident.

Part Four:

Project Risk Analysis and Plan
- Document any assumptions you have made about the project
- Using the Risk Identification Framework as a basis, identify five risks to the project - one for each of the five phases of the methodology.
- Analyse these risks, assign a risk to an appropriate member, and describe a strategy for the management of each specific risk.

Part Five:

Quality Management Plan. It should include:
- A short statement that reflects your team's philosophy or objective for ensuring that you deliver a quality system to your client.
- Develop and describe the following that your project team could implement to ensure quality;
o A set of verification activities
o A set of validation activities

Part Six: 550 words

Closure and Evaluation Researching for the closure checklist and project evaluation

a. To prepare for this task, you will be required to provide an annotated bibliography.

Write an Annotated Bibliography for three (3) relevant texts or readings around project evaluation. The Annotated Bibliography is a critical examination of the most relevant, recent and scholarly research on the topic area that is not just a summary of the articles you have read.

You will submit this as an appendix to your project evaluation documentation.

Ensure that the AB submitted by you is your own work and has not been submitted elsewhere and comply with the University's requirements for academic integrity. Use the following resource to guide you around the research tools:

b. Develop a closure checklist that the project team will use to ensure that the project has been closed properly.

c. Develop a project evaluation -outline and discuss how your project's MOV will be evaluated.

Submit your assignment online via Turnitin in the nominated class. Turnitin details for the individual classes would be provided on Interact2.

This assessment addresses the following learning outcomes:
- be able to understand and apply appropriate communication practices within a project management context;
- be able to research and apply established IT project management principles, skills and techniques to a case study;
- be able to research and critically evaluate how a practising IT project manager applies IT project management techniques, project management skills, methods and software tools in the IT industry;
- be able to research and apply established IT project management principles, skills and techniques to a case study.

Reference no: EM131757303

Questions Cloud

Discuss the fifo method of inventory pricing : Using the FIFO method of inventory pricing, calculate the dollar value of the ending inventory
Suppose that a firm faces the production function : Suppose that a firm faces the production function Q = 3K2L3, where the cost of labor and capital are w and r. What are the demand curves for labor and capital?
Calculate the iqr of the given measurements : Tall or short? Mr. Walker measures the heights (in inches) of the students in one of his classes. He uses a computer to calculate the following numerical.
Determine the optimal two-part pricing strategy : You are the manager of a monopoly. A typical consumer's inverse demand function for your product is P =220-40Q and your cost function is C(Q) = 20Q.
Determine the timeframe for achieving the mov : Determine the timeframe for achieving the MOV - ask yourselves, when do we want to achieve this target metric and Define Scope and produce a Scope Management
Indicate what type of price discrimination : Indicate what type of price discrimination are the firms applying in the following examples:
Explain each one of these methods and than explain : Explain each one of these methods and than explain, why or why not if they are both acceptable for financial reporting
Describe college-level communication through composition : Include introductory and concluding paragraph and demonstrate college-level communication through composition of original material in Standard American English.
Wlan security penetration testing : What tools does Kali Linux has that we can use to conduct our own WLAN security penetration testing?



12/9/2017 12:52:25 AM

A closure checklist is produced alongside the development of a project evaluation that is evidenced by research. (10 marks) The closure checklist is detailed, and has been used accurately to close the project. The evaluation has been professionally documented and is evidenced by research. The closure checklist is detailed, and has been used accurately to close the project. The evaluation has been well documented and is evidenced by research. The closure checklist has been used appropriately to close the project, and the evaluation has been adequately documented and is evidenced by research. The closure checklist has been used to close the project, and the evaluation has been addressed and is evidenced by research. The closure checklist has not been addressed adequately, the evaluation is lacking detail and is not evidenced by research.


12/9/2017 12:51:49 AM

Produces a quality management plan which includes a statement about the team’s philosophy and verification and validation activities. (10 Marks) All required project steps are correctly identified and appropriately contextualised for the selected project. All required project steps are correctly identified and are applied to the selected project with some contextualisation. All required project steps are correctly identified and are applied to the selected project. Most required project steps are correctly identified and applied to the selected project. Multiple project steps are missing or not applied to the selected project.


12/9/2017 12:51:36 AM

Provides a project risk analysis and plan using the risk identification framework as a basis for discussing alternate strategies for the management of such risks. (15 Marks) All steps in project risk analysis and alternate strategies are comprehensively discussed and presented in the context of the project, with evidence of thorough consideration of the framework to validate the alternatives. All steps in project risk analysis and alternate strategies are clearly discussed and presented in the context of the project, with reference to the framework to validate the alternatives. Evidence that key steps in project risk analysis and alternate strategies are discussed and presented in the context of the project, with some linkages back to the framework to validate the alternatives. Key steps in project risk analysis and alternate strategies are accurately presented. Minimal reference to framework in the discussion presented. One or more key steps in project risk analysis and alternate strategies are not presented.


12/9/2017 12:51:25 AM

Utilising MS Project - evidences the processes involved with a WBS, including budget. (20 Marks) Demonstrates high level project management skills, integrating and applying project management tools in meaningful and purposeful ways towards completion of WBS design, correctly and comprehensively addressing all project requirements. Demonstrates competent management skills, applying project management tools in meaningful and purposeful ways towards completion of the WBS design, correctly addresses the all project requirements. Demonstrates essential management skills, applying project management tools in meaningful and purposeful ways towards completion of the WBS design. Essential project requirements addressed. Demonstrates minimal management skills and needs some improvement in applying project management tools in meaningful and purposeful ways towards completion of WBS. Not all project requirements are clearly addressed. The WBS design fails to correctly address one or more essential project requirements.


12/9/2017 12:51:17 AM

Produces a Scope Management Consistent application of industry standard Well written with some demonstration of Well written with demonstration Well written but lacks Writing is not of an Plan (SCM). (10 Marks) language and formatting. industry standard language and formatting. of academic standard language and formatting. acceptable formatting. acceptable standard.


12/9/2017 12:51:01 AM

Utilising MS Project, provides a list of resources associated with the project – including reference to people, technology, and facilities and associated costs (10 Marks) Evidence of expertly utilising MS Project to create a comprehensive list of resources, demonstrating in-depth analysis of the project’s needs. Evidence of expertly utilising MS Project to create a list of all resources required for the project; demonstrating analysis of the project’s needs. Correctly utilising MS Project to provide a list which identifies most of the resources required for the project; some evidence of analysis of project needs. Key resources are correctly identified and documented. Key resources have not been identified.

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