Create a class called dateprofile

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Reference no: EM13811011

Assignment - Computer Dating

Class DateProfile

Create a class called DateProfile that has the following private instance members:

gender - a char, the gender of the applicant ('M' or 'F').

searchGender - a char, the gender of desired partner ('M' or 'F'). This is not the gender of the applicant, but of the applicant's requested partner.

romance - an int from 1 to 10, indicating the importance of romance to the applicant.

finance - an int from 1 to 10, indicating the importance of finance to the applicant.

name - a String indicating the full name of the applicant.

Each object in the DateProfile class represents an applicant's profile. If the object is ('M', 'F', 7, 4, "Hugh Hefner") then the applicant's name is "Hugh Hefner", he's looking for a date who is Female, with romance being somewhat important (7) and finance being less important (4).

You should supply all of the following member functions of class DateProfile (at a minimum):

Accessors and Mutators for each field (instance member). For example: char getGender() and boolean setGender(char gdr).

Constructors that take no parameters (default) and all 5 parameters.

double fitValue(DateProfile partner), which returns a number from 0.0 (very bad fit) to 1.0 (perfect fit). The public instance method compares the calling object (this) to the object passed as a parameter. This method should call three private methodsdetermineGenderFit( ... ), determineRomanceFit( ... ) and determineFinanceFit( ... ), that will be used to return intermediate results for each of the three factors. It should multiply the three intermediate numbers together to get and return the final FitValue.

double determineGenderFit(DateProfile partner) returns either a 0 or 1 depending on the gender compatibility of the calling object and the passed parameter object. You have to compare gender compatibility completely: i.e., there must be mutualconsent on this one!

double determineRomanceFit(DateProfile partner) returns a number from 0.0 to 1.0 depending on the romance compatibility of the calling object and the passed parameter object. The romance numbers should be highest (1.0) if the two values are equal (both 3, both 5, both 7) and lowest (perhaps a small non-zero value like .1) if their difference is 9.

double determineFinanceFit(DateProfile partner) returns a number from 0.0 to 1.0 depending on the finance compatibility of the calling object and the passed parameter object. The finance numbers should be highest (1.0) if the two values are equal (both 3, both 5, both 7) and lowest (perhaps a small non-zero value like .1) if their difference is 9.

DateProfile should be a class distinct from (and not contained within) your main class (which we call Foothill). However, you can and should defined it as a non-public class so it can reside in the same file,

The Client Driver

From your main() inside Foothill, you will instantiate a total of four DateProfile objects, applicant1, ... applicant4 manually from literal values in your program, i.e., do not involve the user with run-time input. Then for each of the four applicants, display the fitswith the others - including themselves. Do this by showing the name of the applicant, then the names and fit values of all applicants relative to this one applicant. Repeat this list for all four applicants producing 16 comparison figures grouped into four groups of four each. (You will be comparing each applicant to his/herself in each of these four groups. This will serve to check whether the result is correct - it must be either a 1 or a 0 depending on the searchGender they requested, but never a number between (can you see why?)).

Reference no: EM13811011

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